Sunday, April 29, 2012

I passed my Red Cross lifeguard certification test today! I've been wanting to do this ever since I was 16, and now I'm a real lifeguard! The test was a little more challenging that I thought. We first had a written test on lifeguarding skills, and some of the questions had a couple answers that both looked right. For the water practical portion, we first did shallow water backboarding with a spinal injury victim, followed by an active drowning victim rescue with a stride jump. Finally, we did a passive submerged victim rescue and extracted from the pool, followed by three minutes of CPR on a dummy.

Monday, April 23, 2012

I had so much fun at my lifeguard class today! So glad I'm taking it, it's been something I've wanted to do since high school. Also took a wonderful Sunday afternoon nap today and getting enough sleep is always good!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Spring break at home was great! I got the chance just to sleep in, relax, spend time with family, walk my dog, catch up on Season 2 of Glee, and eat! I just got back to San Diego on Monday, and everything has been getting into full swing already! After landing, I got to grab lunch at Chipotle with Michael, followed by a residents' council meeting, a pizzokie party, a visit to InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, and my directors' meeting for the UC Haiti Initiative. This week has been quite a whirlwind already as well! I went to Good Friday service last night and got to spend quality time with my friends. Today was an early morning of res life tours for Triton Day/Admit Day at UCSD, followed by a nice four hour nap. Random fact of the day: Ashley Fink, who plays Lauren Zizes on Glee, was at UCSD today--her sister was admitted to Revelle College! I've just been working on some homework for the past few hours--my schedule this quarter is really nice because although I have quizzes/labs/papers/reports due every week, I don't have any midterms. Tomorrow I'll be attending Easter service as well, which should be a treat!