Thursday, July 19, 2012

Monday morning, I took some time to volunteer with the Salk Mobile Science Lab to bring a science education program to a low-income middle school in El Cajon. It was a truly incredible experience and reminded me that working with people was what I was more interested in instead of research. Many of the students there were considered "at-risk" for not graduating, either because of their family background, because of emotional/mental developmental challenges, or both. I had an incredible group of three boys, and we worked on extracting DNA from wheat as well as a pipetting food coloring to create different colors. One kid was really attentive and focused on the project, while another had difficulty with dexterity and thus handling the pipet. My favorite kid had unlimited questions to ask about EVERYTHING we were doing. The teacher even told him to stop asking questions and to just listen. I really wanted to encourage his curiosity, because that's something I lack right now as a college student, and I did my best to answer as many of his questions as possible. I even had a chance to plug college and describe how fun and exciting it was and how it was a worthy goal for them to set for themselves. Wherever I end up in the future, I hope to be doing work that makes a difference.

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